Welcome To Our Blog | MMRG Mold Remediation & Basement Waterproofing, LLC


We are dedicated to making this blog the most informative blog on mold removal available to NJ homeowners. So we will cover a wide array of controversial topics to help keep people informed. Mold growth and mold remediation are among the most misunderstood topics in the world.

Some people actually believe that mold is good for you, because penicillin grows on bread, its a form of mold, it heals infections… so then mold must be good for you. Right?

Its myths like these that we take very seriously as they endanger peoples health. So we will start by covering the penicillin myth. And we will start by quoting what one of our own customers said this past week…


“I always thought that mold removal companies in NJ exaggerated the facts about mold. Acting like mold will kill you if you don’t remove it immediately. My own mother use to give me moldy bread when I was sick, and it would help cure my cold. So mold can’t be as bad as most people think..”. – Rebecca D, Long Branch NJ.


If one thing is true about Rebecca’s statement, mold removal companies do exaggerate certain things about mold. But it would be impossible to exaggerate the health effects. Mold produces biotoxins and mycotoxins. Terrorists and military institutions extract these same mold toxins in a lab, and concentrate them to be used in biological warfare.

So I’m sorry, but we already know that many common mold toxins are already used in warfare. They do not just attack tissues, organs and blood, but they also attack the entire neurology of the brain. We call this property “neurotoxicity”.

What does this mean in terms of penicillin, a form of mold that is often misperceived as “safe”?

Well first, penicillin is an antibiotic. Antibiotics attack bacteria. Both good and bad bacteria. They also attack various other systems of your body. While you are busy curing a staph infection with penicillin, you are suppressing your entire immune system. You are also putting your body at risk for some rather serious side effects. Don’t believe me?

Straight from wikipedia –

Common adverse drug reactions (≥1% of patients) associated with use of the penicillins include diarrhoea, hypersensitivity, nausea, rash, neurotoxicity, urticaria, and superinfection (including candidiasis). Infrequent adverse effects (0.1–1% of patients) include fever, vomiting, erythema, dermatitis, angioedema, seizures (especially in epileptics), and pseudomembranous colitis.[4]

So while curing one infection, you risk a “superinfection”. This is typical of most antibiotics. Its also typical of glucosteroid compounds like prednisone.

Here is the most interesting part about this. Compared to many other molds that grow in your home, penicillin is likely the least serious. Let me repeat. I’m not saying that penicillium mold isn’t serious, it is. But in the overall scope of things, you have far greater problems to worry about.

This is why I require that all my inspectors put on masks the second they see mold. In the past, homeowners use to get insulted about this. So now the inspectors explain how often they’re in mold contaminated homes, and that its just a precaution.