Mold Remediation Plainfield NJ 07060, 07061, 07062

Mold Remediation & Mold Removal Plainfield NJ 07060, 07061, 07062

Mold remediation is important to get done if your Plainfield, NJ home is contaminated with mold. Mold has been shown to play a significant role in 30% of all allergy and asthma cases, and can trigger a variety of immuno-suppressive problems. It is important to keep in mind that many forms of mold grow within wall cavities or in tight areas that are hard to reach. Other forms of white mold can not be seen without a special type of light. This is why it is important to have mold testing done if you think you have harmful mold in your house. Before you make the decision to work with a company, you need to check all of their credentials. MMRG is fully licensed, insured and IAQ certified. We are also manufacturer certified and guarantee all of our work for 30 years. 

It is the job of a mold inspector to carry our mold tests before any work is done in your Plainfield, NJ home. It is a good idea to not clean or disturb the house for 48 hours prior to the inspection being done. If the mold inspector has to collect samples, he needs to be sure that your home has not been recently disturbed in any way. This is to ensure accurate results from the mold tests. Even if you believe that the mold in your home is non-toxic, it will always be better to play it safe. Even if we don’t find a harmful strain in your home, many weaker strains can still accelerate the deterioration of your home. This can lead to extensive structural problems if left untreated for too long.

In quite a few properties that require mold removal or remediation, there is bad air-flow or areas where water leaks into the home. Many homes in NJ are also built by the water, so increased humidity increases the chances of mold or mildew growing. In quite a few circumstances, if visual mold is not observed, we will employ the use of special instruments to check inside of your walls. The leading objective for us is clear your residence from mold contamination. If we do identify mold, we will advocate mold removal for your Plainfield, NJ area 07060/07051/07062 home.

If insurance takes part in the mold remediation process, we recommend that they phone our company before any work is started. Or alternatively, we can reach out to them. This is always to help be sure that the process moves along smoothly, and to confirm that the mold remediation work has been approved. In emergency situations we may start mold removal before the insuring company reimburses you for the work. But you will need to assume responsibility for any fees that are accrued. We proudly offer 100% free mold inspections to all of Plainfield NJ, so if you have any questions, then give us a call!